Key Definitions#
AI Risk#
The EU is moving towards a risk based approach for regulating AI, focussing on the harm an AI application could cause to people. Applications are classified by risk level, with higher-risk applications facing stricter requirements. These categories are currently:
Unacceptable risk. Applications that are a clear threat to the safety, livelihoods or rights of people.
High risk. Applications that are critical to the safety or wellbeing of people, that require special mitigations to adequately cover the risks they pose.
Limited risk. Applications with lower impacts to safety or wellbeing, but which still require some level of mitigation.
Minimal or no risk. Applications with minimal to zero risk.
While this guide does not cover specific legislation, these risk categories offer a useful framework for discussing best engineering practices. You will encounter these risk levels throughout the guide, referred to as AI Risk.
Data Protection#
AI models are fundamentally data driven making them subject to data protection regulation, especially GDPR. According to GDPR, any processing of data must adhere to to seven key principles of protection and accountability principles:
Lawfulness, fairness and transparency — Processing must be lawful, fair, and transparent to the data subject.
Purpose limitation — You must process data for the legitimate purposes specified explicitly to the data subject when you collected it.
Data minimization — You should collect and process only as much data as absolutely necessary for the purposes specified.
Accuracy — You must keep personal data accurate and up to date.
Storage limitation — You may only store personally identifying data for as long as necessary for the specified purpose.
Integrity and confidentiality — Processing must be done in such a way as to ensure appropriate security, integrity, and confidentiality (e.g. by using encryption).
Accountability — The data controller is responsible for being able to demonstrate GDPR compliance with all of these principles.
Certain categories of data require special consideration under these regulations. While this guide does not provide specific legislative guidance, the principles outlined in GDPR are essential for framing discussions on best engineering practices and will be referenced throughout the guide.
Safety, Security and Robustness#
A core requirement of any system is that it functions correctly, both in conditions of normal use, as well as conditions of misuse (intentional or otherwise), or other adverse conditions. An AI system should be:
Safe: either functioning correctly or failing safely in all conditions
Secure: resilient against misuse or abuse (intentionally or otherwise), and
Robust: ensuring functionality in as wide a range of conditions as possible
While the need to meet these challenges is not unique to AI systems, AI systems bring several unique problems to each of these areas. For example:
Safety is a continual challenge in AI systems that are fundamentally statistical. Guaranteeing safe behavior in the wide range of situations an automotive AI may encounter, for example, remains a continuous challenge.
AI models present unique attack surfaces that must be secured. For example, in many situations, models will leak information about the data that they were trained on.
Similarly, AI models struggle to robustly deal with novel data outside of their training set. This can both cause problems in normal use, and be exploited by attackers.
Safety, security and robustness will be important ideas throughout this document.
Transparency and Explainability#
It is important in many cases that we can understand how our systems function. This imperative should be familiar to any electronic systems engineer, through the value of clear code and documentation. We use two terms to describe these requirements:
Transparency: the communication of appropriate information about an AI system to relevant people (for example, information on how, when, and for which purposes an AI system is being used), and
Explainability: the extent to which it is possible for relevant parties to access, interpret and understand the decision-making processes of an AI system
Many AI systems are uniquely troublesome in these respects. Many common methods, such as Neural Networks are effectively “black boxes”. These methods provide a solution, but through a means that is ultimately not human interpretable.
Fairness is another core requirement of any system, especially in light of the above ideas of transparency and explainability. By fairness, we mean a system that:
Does not undermine the legal rights of individuals or organizations, discriminate unfairly against individuals or create unfair market outcomes.
Fairness is a challenge in AI systems that learn from data. The decisions these systems make are a reflection of the patterns in the data they are trained on. If the data is biased, the systems trained on them will also be biased. This has been proven expensively and at length in the real world, for example through attempts at creating criminal justice AI or hiring AI.
Accountability and Governance#
Any system that has the potential to cause harm requires oversight. Any AI system will therefore require systems of:
Governance, a framework for managing the development, deployment and operation of AI
Accountability, clear lines of responsibility for all aspects of the AI applications
The full scope of requirements is unlikely to be fully addressed by engineering. Nonetheless, these principles are important in the greater context of the AI application, and will be an important part of development.
Contestability and Redress#
Any system that has the potential to cause harm to people also requires ways for this harm to be recognised and reversed. Any such AI system will therefore require systems of:
Contestability, those who may be adversely affected must have a route to contest decisions or outcomes
Redress, there must be a system in place to assess these concerns, and redress the affected party when necessary
The full scope of requirements is unlikely to be fully addressed by engineering. Nonetheless, these principles are important in the greater context of the AI application, and will be an important part of development.